May 23, 2003


Entry No. 4

With whatever phenomenon there was on thenovel he wrote, the public accepted his story with an enthusiasm unprecedented in its time. Phrases coming from the book like "What is the secret of life? You'll know it when you're dead," were very popular among students and academicians. For them, here is an author who could speak in plain language the secrets of one's existence.

Other popular lines from the book were, "If the world would stop believing in love, would love cease to exist?" For many booklovers, it was also a love story set on a passion to feel, to test one's limit, and to define the thin line between illusion and reality.

There were even radio discussions on what he meant on phrases like: "Life is an illusion because it is only our mind that makes out what our environment is showing"; "If freedoms means letting go, then we are free to feel pain. The consequence is not the end
but a beginning. The start of a wonderful new feeling reminding us that we exist"; and of course; "The true search for God is a search for who we really are."

So was the popularity of his book that several web sites were set-up on the internet so people could freely discuss what he said. He was invited on different television programs but he declined them all. Matter of fact, he hated the attention he was getting. As one avid follower would say, "It is the sheer honesty of his work that makes us feel human." Nonetheless, he refused every move to make himself more popular. His book did all that.

Melvin never questioned the wisdom Mark had. He was his friend and he knew his genuine concern for him. They were friends since their school days and the trust they have for one another is like that of brothers. On a Friday that they met, Mark gave Melvin a warm hug congratulating him on the success of his book. He said it was sure to be controversial because it was different. In fact, it contained to many people "The Ultimate Truth". The truth that people have been searching for too long: the truth that everybody
wanted to hear.

He even stated that, "It's a litany of questions dying to be asked." He was just worried though. Mark was afraid as to what extent the book can influence people. Melvin just shrugged at the thought. It seems he was not affected by the popularity he was getting. Until one day, with the events that happened, he himself began to feel afraid on the influence he had weaved out.


Given a five minute chance to visit either of the two, which would you choose: Heaven or Hell? And why?

Simbang Gabi as a tradition